Networks and Communication Systems Laboratory (netcom)
The Networks and Communication Systems Laboratory serves educational and research needs related to Communication Networks, Network Security, Wireless and Mobile Networks, Optical Networks, Optical Communications, Nanonetworks and Distributed Systems.
Software and Interactive Technologies Lab (SWITCH)
SWITCH LAB is teaching and researching in the areas of Software Engineering and Information Systems, Open Source Software, Software Security and Software Model Checking, Learning Technologies and Virtual Learning Environments, Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Game Based Learning and Mobile Learning, Music Informatics, Human-Computer Interaction and User Experience Design.
Statistics, Applied Mathematics and Electronic Physics Laboratory (samep)
The Statistics, Applied Mathematics and Electronic Physics Laboratory serves the educational and research needs relating to statistics and information systems, operational research, microelectronics and physical electronics, computer architecture, applied mathematical analysis, information theory-theory of cryptography, optimization, linear algebra.