EY Festival of Innovation 2023

Breaking News 📢
Festival of Innovation 2.0 is here!

Are you interested in New Technologies and Digital Transformation? Well, the Festival of Innovation 2.0 is the virtual place to be 🙌!

After last year’s success, EY brings the 2nd edition of the Festival of Innovation, aiming to inform you about technological advances and how they reshape the way we work, while building a better working world 💪!

If you are a student or professional who has a passion for technology, join us on the 21st and 22nd of November, from 16:00 to 19:00 (ΕΕΤ) virtually.

There, our EY female tech experts will share all the latest trends on tech topics that transform our teams, our clients and the society, with a focus on AI and innovation 💻!

Don’t miss this chance to learn about skills and innovative solutions that will help you immerse yourself in the dynamic world of tech!

Click below 👇 to complete your registration NOW and find out where a career in technology can take you!

Sign up for this virtual event by 17.11.2023!

The exceptional EY experience. It’s yours to build.